Australia Solar Panel Government Rebates are available, through the Solar Homes and Communities Plan, for the construction of solar panel systems on homes and community use structures. Schools are no longer eligible for monetary assistance under this program.
The Solar Homes and Communities Plan ensures that monetary assistance get to the residents that would benefit most through the application of specific requirements, with only families with an annual gross income of less than $100,000 being eligible for the rebates.
The following are the initial eligibility requirements for the Australia Solar Panel Government Rebates:
* These government subsidies are for the purchase and construction of major equipment items. Equipment cannot be second-hand. * Residential rebates are for solar panel systems that are connected to a main-grid or are very near to a main-grid. * Any system eligible for a rebate under the Renewable Remote Power Generation Program is not eligible for the Solar Homes and Communities Plan; applicants should consider which monies to apply for with an accredited designer and installer. * The individual who completes the construction must be accredited for design and installation of solar panel systems. * Applicant's gross taxable income must be lower than $100,000.
As you can readily see, the qualifications are very precise and the monetary rewards are really minimal. Fortunately, knowing a little about the Australian people's do it yourself way of life, there are extremely good alternatives.
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