Saturday, September 5, 2009

Secure Data Recovery by Ara Pekel

Secure Data Recovery

No matter how powerful or well-maintained your computer is, sometimes there are just some circumstances that can get out of hand and damage your system. Viruses, for instance, can corrupt your files and stop your computer from booting up properly. You can press a set of keys by accident and delete whole sets of data from your computer. Overheating, sudden power loss and electric grounding can burn up your hard drive, not to mention the other components inside your computer.

Whatever the cause may be, loss of data due to computer damage is always traumatic. Not only does it lead to a lot of frustrations on your part, but it can also cost you a lot of money. While there are many computer service companies out there that you can turn to so that you can recover your lost data, there is that danger of trusting the wrong company and getting your data compromised.

Beware of Misplaced Trust in Data Recovery

What can happen when the data in your computer becomes compromised? There are a number of outcomes that can stem from this event, but one of the more important ones is the possibility of your privacy being violated. You can wake up one morning and find sensitive pictures, videos and documents that you may have stored in your hard drive circulating freely on the Internet without your consent.

Not only that, you can also find your personal information - contact addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, bank account numbers, credit card account numbers, various passwords, and many others - being used and accessed without your permission. The loss of money and the amount of paperwork that needs to be done in order to straighten this mess up can become a nightmare.

Thankfully, there is a way for you to avoid this kind of mess in case your hard drive gets damaged and you need to recover the data you have stored in it. The solution: find a company that offers secure data recovery.

Secure Data Recovery: Guaranteed Peace of Mind

If you entrust your damaged hard drive and the task of recovering lost data from it to a company that offers secure data recovery, you have more or less bought yourself some peace of mind. That is because you can expect such a company to:

* Have top-of-the-line equipment and facilities that will prevent further damage to your computer hardware as the company tries to extract the data you lost from it. * Assign qualified and experienced personnel who will exclusively handle your hardware. * Keep secure and confidential whatever contents of your hard drive that its personnel will be able to recover, to the point of committing it into writing. * Return the hardware to you after extracting the lost data, or destroy the data completely if you do not want it anymore.

It is not enough that you are able to recover what data that you have lost when your computer got damaged. You have to be sure that you can rest easy in the knowledge that the data you have recovered is safe and sound, and you will not wake up one morning to see your files used, accessed or distributed without your permission. Only a company that offers secure data recovery can give you this peace of mind that you want. is one such company that can give you the secure data recovery that you need. You will not be sorry to entrust us with your damaged hardware. Your data is safe and your peace is guaranteed with us

Property of RecoverMyPc Inc. For more information please visit

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Free, Internet "on board", online festivals and digital libraries by Otello Zorina

The autonomous communities are open to the Internet and new information technologies (ICT) initiatives such as free software free, massive celebrations for Internet, digital libraries or a network connection by tram.

Indeed, the report "Information Society in Spain 2008" published by the Fundación Telefónica, evidence that the Internet has becoming more and more presence in the autonomous regions through, inter alia, the introduction of broadband.

Under the slogan "Free Internet for All ', Cantabria has subsidized the installation charge for a whole year without a home network, while Extremadura has made one hundred percent of its territory have access to this type of connection under Plan Extension of broadband.

Another initiative is to promote Internet Network Asturcon the Principality, which aims to connect the municipalities of over 1,000 inhabitants of remote villages as the main coal basin and eastern municipalities of Asturias and Nava, Arriondas, Infiesto, or Navia Ribadesella.

And it is to break the gap distance to the urban areas of the countryside in terms of communications is one of the key objectives of the communities, especially those with more dispersed population.

Free access

Thus, Andalusia has launched the Network Guadalinfo formed by centers that allow users to access Internet software and utilities free of charge, both in towns of under 20,000 residents in neighborhoods with the greatest risk of social exclusion of its eight capital.

Several communities are also bidding for free software-free software that can be developed by users, such as the Balearic Islands and the reserve system "Avanthotel" which has sold to hotels or to your portal Catalonia.

Madrid is the CCAA with the highest Internet penetration, more than 53 percent of its population, which is to be improved by initiatives such as Digital Cities, which has introduced ICT in thirteen local authorities and will be extended to all community with the Digital Region project Madrid.

Castilla-La Mancha is not left behind, then used to send SMS to mobile users to communicate with those interested in receiving notices of the Board of Communities castellanomanchega.

¿Internet on the bus? No, not a thing of the future, but the pilot project "Internet on-board" of Canary Islands that allowed passengers to the Tenerife tram, a bus line of Gran Canaria and Fuerteventura-Lanzarote ferry connecting to the network via 3G for a month.


Platform E-Ducat, developed by Aragon, is another example of the application of ICT in everyday life, and that is not only a useful tool for teachers, but also allows parents to track the activities performed by students.

They say that knowledge does not take place, but the fact is that books and documents themselves, so that initiatives such as the digital library of Navarre, BiNaDI, make available to all users, wherever they are, a rich cultural heritage which would otherwise be inaccessible.

There is also one of the uses of ICT more popular in the Information Society: the leisure and entertainment, which has its ultimate expression in the "keep" the fans who gather in a massive house in years such as the famous quotations Campus Party Valencia or Bilbao Euskal Encounter.